Although the days are short, and the nights are long, come join us for smiles and song!
A = contains alcohol
Cinnamon Ginger Tea (Chamomile Tea)
- Cinnamon sticks, ginger root, honey and lemon all steeped together and served hot.
Pumpkin Cream Drop (Orange Juice)
- Steamed milk with pumpkin, cinnamon and nutmeg topped with a drop a whipped cream.
Cranberry Mimosas (Grape Juice)(A)
- Tart cranberry juice mixed with lime, sugar and sparkling champagne.
Aged Spiced Cider (Spiced Cider)(A)
- Apple cider reduction stirred with cinnamon, orange, nutmeg, brown sugar and a dash of bourbon.
House Hot Cocoa (Hot Chocolate)
- Cocoa, milk, vanilla and whipped cream topped with marshmallows. Perfect for the fall season!
Orange Twist Sangria (Apple Juice)(A)
- Sparkling apple cider and red wine mixed with cinnamon, sugar and a orange peel twist.
(Apple Tart)
- Puff pastry filled with apple slices, apricot jelly and a dash of rum baked fresh!
(Ginger Cookie)
- Ground ginger, brown sugar, molasses all mixed and baked to perfection!

π½πππ: Kasura Lunaki
π°ππ: 21
ππππ: Miqote
πΆπππππ: Female
πΏπππππππ ππ π²πππππ: Any
πΏππππππππ πππππ ππ π²πππππ: any
π³ππ/πππ/ππ ππππ?:Submissive
πππππ: Arigato Gozaimasu Please be gentle
π±ππ: Super Shy Miqote girl but amazing at having fun when I do sleep a lot for a kitty so if you do see me poke me or wake me up to say 'moshi moshi' hehe I very fun loving and of course I was abandoned before I will work like a maiden and cooking and cleaning since thatβs all I was ever taught but I love everyone hope see you and meet more friendly people.
Name: Antoni Trovatelli
Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Roles: Romantic or Dom
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Likes: A nice conversation, drawing, and a good warm meal or snack.
Contact:In Game only for RP Outside/discord in regards to Art & Commissions
Services Offered: Artist SFW Dancing SFW Cuddling Courtesan
RP Style: Tends to write full posts with details and interactions but can be shortened/quickie fashion
Bio: Originally a gentleman raised in Wine Port, different events and tragedies happened causing him to lose that life and pursue a new career as a sale sword/adventurer. Originally, his Xaela instincts were quelled as a child who was washed ashore in Limsa (due to his own youthful idiocy getting lost at sea), a flame has awoken in him through fighting.
β¦ Thoughβ¦ it has also brought a new heat in the way he passionately holds a loverβ¦.
He also enjoys visiting places and sketching those he finds interesting. Perhaps talk to him, buy him a drink, and see where it goesβ¦
Click me for my kink list!
Name: Solilija Atoel
Race: Viera (Raava)
Age: 26
Height 5'10'"
Gender: Female
Roles: Romantic / Submissive
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Likes: People who are protective of her, sweets, sleeping, learning new things
Dislikes: Pushiness; name calling, rude people.
Preferences: Elezen / Au Ra / Hyur (essentially, anyone taller than she is)
Contact: In Game for RP/ERP discord upon request (depending upon our rapport!)
Services Offered: Dancer, NSFW (ERP) Courtesan, SFW (RP) Cuddler, Casual Conversation
RP Style: Anywhere from 3+ sentences to multiple paragraphs in novel like structure. May occasionally highlight the RP with emotes and usually written in third person. Will adjust RP style and length to reflect partner's skill!
Bio: Due to her desire to help Eorzea rebuild following the battle of Carteneau, Solilija was outcast from her forest home in the Atoel village. She soon became a permanent resident Eorzea and is in constant search of companionship to distract her from her immense loneliness. In her free time she enjoys showing off her skills as a dancer, a job she greatly enjoys. Despite her time spent here, she still has much to learn of Eorzean culture and customs!
Personality: Solilija is very sweet, shy, and a bit playful. For both patrons and friends alike she has a kind and naΓ―ve temperament, and is very curious about the goings on of the world, so feel free to introduce her to new kinks or have a conversation about anything on your mind! She is quite open minded, and even has a few kinks of her own that embarrass her to speak aloud. Unfortunately, her innocence and desire for friends often lends her into... compromising situations with people who may not always have her best interests at heart. Please take this to your advantage to corrupt, romance or befriend her as you see fit!
Name: Raphtalia San
Height: 5'4"
Gender: Female
Roles: Romantic and Submissive
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Likes: Talking and interacting with others, eating and sharing stories, and meeting new people
Preferences: Miqo'tes, Viera, and Au Ra (Most of the other races are fine except for Lalafels)
Contact: In game but Discord is fine if needed
Services Provided: Dancer, Courtesan, and Cuddler
RP Style: About 2-3 sentences for an action or just idle chatter, will change how the RP is depending on the patron, and will use emotes to express more emotion throughout the RP
Name: Verasul Rizakin.
Age: 27.
Gender: Male.
Orientation: Straight.
Role: Courtesan.
Occupation: Monster Hunter.
Dom/Sub: Switch, dominating lean.
Favorite Kinks: Romance, Throat- and titfucking; Breathplay; Heavy Focus on Aftercare.
Likes: Alcohol, Alchemy, A Good Brawl.
Dislikes: Pompous assholes, The Law, Thanalan.
Writing Style: Semi-Para to Novella, depending on the writing style of my partner(s). I adjust to make someone feel comfortable, but don't feel forced to adjust to me, ever.
Preference: Miqo'te, Au Ra and Viera, but all are welcome (Lalas = SFW only, sorry).
Availability: Whenever I'm open, of course. If for whatever reason you wish to hire my services outside of my working hours, contact me over Discord in DMs and something can be arranged.
Rates: 100k/hour on-the-clock. Private appointments are negotiable.
An Ala Mighan refugee orphaned in the wake of the Garlean Empire invading Gyr Abania, Verasul grew up in the lower decks of Limsa Lominsa, fending for himself until he was old enough to make a name for himself and join the Rogue's Guild. As a youth, he was the same brash, rough-around the edges person that he is today, albeit with a thirst for more that could never be truly sated. More money, more influence, more power. Selfish and dark desires such as these eventually drove him into the arms of a group of aspiring thaumaturges willing to bargain with the void. At first tricked into believing he would work with them, he realized too late that he was to be the bodily host for a voidsent proper. What happened afterwards he refuses to explain unless he knows you well, but to say that he isn't quite simply a Hyur anymore would be an understatement...
Click me for my kink list!
Name: Kaylie Night
Gender: Female
Race: Roegadyn Hellsguard
Occupation: Court
Age: 25
Height: 6'0
Gender: Female
Roles: Courtesan/Switch
Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Likes: Talking walks and hanging out in clubs with people I know.
Dislikes: Nothing goes in my butt, unless I okay it first.
Preferences: All are welcome around me, but Lala's are a no go for me because they look too much like children.
RP Style: Sentences.
Name: Qualinia Firben
Age: 37
Height: 7'3"
Race: Sea Wolf Roegadyn
Gender: Non-binary (They/Them or She/her pronouns). Anatomy discussed beforehand.
Preferences: Femme presenting clientele only. No Lalafell for NSFW.
Dom/Sub: Strict Domme.
RP Style: Third person or first, default third. Several sentences up to many text boxes a la novella style. Will adjust based on partners preference and length.
Availability: Solstice Equinox open hours. DM for Weekday availability.
Bio: Qualinia, as they would put it, worked as a "sailor" and naval mercenary in their younger years - and a rather brutal one at that - traveling far across from Limsa Lominsa's ports. From teen to late twenties they found themselves out at sea. An accident occurred whilst out where they lost their right eye from a terrible misfire that blew the ammunition out of the barrel and the cylinder back towards them self. Due to the lack of vision Qualinia finds judging distance to be more of a challenge, so maritime life was regrettably left behind. Now braving mercenary work from all manner of dealings they make do on the land. Besides mercenary work, moonlighting as a courtesan to take their rugged talents to new heights.
Name: Cydo Atira
Species: Moon Kitt
Age: 19
Height: 149.61cm (4'9")
Gender: non-binary (determinate)
Roles: fluid
Sexual Orientation: Demi-sexual/Sapi-sexual
Loves: Flirting/Giving love and support
Likes: dancing, fashion, fore-play, after-care
Dislikes: Rude or Disrespectful behavior/Bullying (If you want to tell a story with this, there must be consent from all parties)
Preferences: Respectful and kind individuals
Contact: In-game mostly. Discord if you are a preferred client.
Services Offered: Dancer, NSFW (eRP) Courtesan, SFW (RP) Cuddler, flirting, playing hard to get (if desired)
RP Style: Immersive, descriptive, and without needless repetition
Personality: Mercucial
Name: Zenith Aeronova
Age: 21
Race: Xaela
Gender: Male
Dom/Sub/Switch: Dominate but I enjoy when someone take's control by force.
Top/Bottom: Mostly always top
preference: Hetero Leaning
Personailty: Fun, a bit cocky and i enjoy teasing.
Height: Tall lol
Fun facts: I Also pillow or do photography on request.
200k/Hr nsfw or Sfw
300k/Hr Nsfw or Sfw but with a photo to go. After the first hour the rate is reduced to 100k.
Name: Gracie Cakes
Race: Rava Vierra
Age: 31
Height: 6'3" (190.5cm)
Gender: Female
Role: Romantic submissive leaning switch
Likes: Respectful company, dancing, engaging intelligent conversation, exhibitionism, proper aftercare
RP style: 2-3 sentence direct interactions in third person. Willing to change perspective at client request.
Contact: In-game or discord no prefrence. (In game only durring business hours)
Prefrences: All non-lalafell OCs welcome. For a full list see my kinksheet
Custom photography work also available as well. Message for rates and specifics. As with other services I retain the right to decline.
Name: Shira Kallegate
Gender: Female
Server: Adamantoise
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Auβra
Eye Colour: Ice Blue/Green Heterochromia
Courtesan Information
Occupation: Courtesan
Preerences: Shira prefers dominant males and/or females, but this isn't a hard and fast rule. She gets along well with people who enjoy leading but can also take the lead when the mood strikes. She prefers Hyur, Miqo'te, and Au Ra, but is open to other races with the exception of Lalafel's.
Role: Submissive with a bit of a bite, and flirty/teasy
Likes: Being treated like a princess, made to feel special, Cuddles, hearts, a gentle touch, the color Pink, music, and socializing.
Dislikes: Jerks, Rudeness, BDSM, Pain, please see sheet
Personality: Few types are as poetic and kindhearted as Shira. With her unique gifts, she can overcome all sorts of challenges and obstacles β and brighten the lives of those around her in the process. Her creativity, imagination, and kindness prove to be invaluable in many areas, including her own personal growth.
Shira is a loving, spiritual, sympathetic, in-tune, easy-going, artistic, romantic who can also be very flirty and a little wild with some subtle and alluring dominant characteristics. She enjoys talking and providing companionship after a long day, and she is ready, willing, and able to listen. She spends the majority of her time with friends or helping others, and she finds it most satisfying when she can please others.
Quirks: Shira is warm, loving, flirtatious, and teasing to nearly everyone she meets. Despite her tendency to be ephemeral, she values her friends and family immensly.
Personality Type: INFP-T
Name: Asheanei Sher
Race: Viera (Raava)
Age: 24
Height 5'8"
Gender: Non-Binary Female
Pronouns: She/They/Them
Role: Switch, submissive leaning
Sexual Orientation: Pan-sexual
Likes: Nice people, deep conversations, sleeping, learning new things and making new friends
Dislikes: rude people and dull conversations
Preferences: Elezen, Au Ra, Hyur, Viera, anyone is welcome (Lalas SFW only)
Contact: In Game for RP/ERP discord upon request
Services Offered: NSFW (ERP) Courtesan SFW (RP) Casual Conversation
RP Style: 2-3 sentence direct interactions in 3rd person, Willing to change perspective at client request.
Quirks: A bit shy at first, but becomes an warm and bubbly tease when comfortable
Personality Type: INFP-T
Name: Liora Islyde
Height: 63 inches
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Role: Dom
Orientation: Lesbian
Role: Queen of Succubi
Preferences: People who know how to take orders
I write quickly and well. You will get fast, skillful prose for your time. I will seek to emotionally control you and you, in turn, shall be a fly caught helpless in my web. Little pet, dare you enter the chambers of the succubus queen?
Name: Madame Draconia
AGE: 27 Hyur years- Demon years and true age: 2000
Weight: None youre business
Height: 9ft 8in at true form 5ft 9in incognito form.
Bust Size: Natural Gcup but can increase or decrease on partners prefrence.
Sexuality: Pansexul with Female lean
Gender: Whatever the Partner desires but primary Female + Extra if you crave it.
Background Data: Draconia mistwalker originally Beatrix Drenlinine ( The rest of this data has been Redacted by Draconia) she says if you wanna know her backstory just ask.
Prior Co_Owner of The Blushing Rose Brynhildr Crystal Dc.
Currently a freelance bard , Photographer, Model.
Discord ID Draconia Mistwalker#7644
Name: Flipppi Chan
Race: Elezen
Age: 24
Height 6'1"
Gender: Female
Pronouns: They/Them
Role: A caring Dom
Sexual Orientation: Pan-sexual
Likes: A nice and deep conversations, Talking and interacting with others, learning new things and meeting new people.
Preferences: anyone is welcome (No lalas)
Contact:In Game for RP/ERP discord upon request
Services Offered: NSFW (ERP) Courtesan SFW (RP) Casual Conversation Deep Conversation.
RP Style: 2-3 sentence direct interactions in 3rd person, Willing to change perspective at client request.
Quirks: Outgoing, will ask a lot of questions. really good listener.
Name: Loona
Race: Miqo'te
Age: 24
Height: 165cm (5'4")
Gender: Female
Roles: Submissive
Sexuality: Pansexual
Likes: Music, singing, art, animals
Dislikes: Rude people, not respecting boundaries
Contact: DM me in game or on discord for requests and I will get back to you ASAP
Services: erp, casual flirting, sfw rp (cuddling, just chatting etc.)
RP: Not one word answers, in depth and personal
Personality: Playful, flirty, laid back
Name: Draco Xantorus
Age: 39
Height: 7'10"
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Gender: Male
Occupation: Savior of the Universe, Freelance Jabberwocky Slayer
Role: Switch, Dom-leaning
Sexuality: Straight, Poly
Likes: Art, Music, Giving Orgasms
Dislikes: Evil People, Black Licorice
Preferences: Viera, Miqo, Au Ra, Thighlander, Femroe, and Middie (no Lalafell, sorry)
Contact/Availability: DMs either in-game or via Discord, available during venue hours or by appointment
Services: Casual conversation and flirting, Dancing, ERP, Advice, Cuddling
RP Style: Personal, Adaptable, Descriptive
Personality: Fun-loving, Easy-going, Flirty
Bio: Draco loves three things: killing monsters, drinking booze, and having sex. He was given the nickname "The Tower" due to his size, and he's also very tall! He can be very gentle, but prefers to play rough. He absolutely loves foreplay and eating pussy, and his entire goal is to make you cum.
Name: Elise Cadia
Race: Viera
Age: 26
Height 5'5"
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Role: Sub
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Likes: Meeting new people, hanging out with friends, listening to music, pleasant conversation
Dislikes: judgmental people, being controlled
Preferences: anyone but lala is fine, not a huge fan of hroths or au'ra males
Contact: In Game
Services Offered: ERP, lap dances, conversation and companionship, photography sessions
RP Style: Descriptive and reactionary, attentive to my partner's wants and needs
Quirks: Bubbly and outgoing, never meets a stranger. May randomly strike up a conversation with you as if we've known each other for years.
Name: Silas Tyr
Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Age: 26
Height: 5'7"
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Switch, Romantic, light BDSM
Occupation: Courtesan, Monk
Likes: Whiskey and tea, dark red wine, meeting new people and entertaining others
Dislikes: Being belittled or treated like a child, clingy and rude behavior
Preferences: All gender identities and sexualities. However, I will not cater to Lalas
Contact: In game only
Services Offered: SFW RP, casual and deep conversation, friendly companionship/NSFW (ERP) and lap dances
RP Style: Detailed sentences to semi-paragraph, but can adjust to style of partner. Don't have a particular preference for writing in 1st or 3rd person.
Personality: Mischievous and playful, especially when he's first getting to know you. Can be quite empathetic and conscientious, always looking to do his best to lift your spirits.
Quirks: More than likely will tease the absolute shit out of you. Quite flirty and will respond in kind to your RP style.
Name: Verra Bee
Race: Moon cat
Age: 24
Height: 5'3
Gender: female
Roles: Sub
Orientation: Bi-curious
Likes: conversations, flirting, dancing, playful banter
Preferences: Respectful and kind individuals will chat with everyone welcome for a good time~
Services Offered: Dancer, NSFW (eRP) Courtesan, SFW (RP) Cuddler, flirting, or just need a listener!
RP Style:
I'm still experimenting but usually about 2-3 sentences for an action or just chatting is my favorite kind of stuff.
Contact: In-game preferably I really just like chatting so so Ill talk to anyone about anything for the most part Companionship is what I'm best at
Name: Somlin Sakura
Race: Hyur - Midlander
Age: 26
Height 5'2"
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Role: Sub
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Likes: Meeting new people, hanging out with friends, listening to music, pleasant conversation
Dislikes: judgmental people, being controlled
Preferences: anyone but lala is fine.
Contact: In Game
Services Offered: ERP, lap dances, conversation and companionship, photography sessions
RP Style: Descriptive and reactionary, attentive to my partner's wants and needs
Quirks: Bubbly and outgoing, never meets a stranger. May randomly strike up a conversation with you as if we've known each other for years.
β₯ Hinata β₯
β Isao β
β£ Valeerya β£